(1893 - 1983)
A gifted product designer, Marianne Brandt studied painting and sculpture at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, took Paul Klee's and Wassily Kandinsky's classes and worked at the school's metal workshop, between 1923 and 1929.
Brandt collaborated with several companies and designers, such as Körting & Mathiesen AG, Schwintzer & Gräff and Hin Bredendieck, withwhom she designed lighting fixtures for mass production.
She also worked at Walter Gropius' studio from July to December 1929.
She became interested in photomontage in 1926, producing a body of work that would only become publicly known in the 1970s.
Brandt widened her career, passing through product design, the visual arts and the academy, lecturing at the HfBK Dresden in 1949 and teaching at the University of Applied Art, in Berlin.